something happen during training time.
should start from the beginning?
haha, okay.
so it goes like this..
huixin and me were using half a court playing,
while beside us was terrence and weiren.
weiren was beside me,
and terrence was beside huixin.
since our ball had fallen,
huixin decided to look around before picking the ball.
since then,
weiren hitted too hard and it goes,
then it was the center of terrence and huixin.
they both glances at one another,
huixin thought that terrence will not be hitting.
so she went up to help by hitting back.
but, terrence was using his back hand and hit.
he didn't know huixin was there.
shui zhi dao..
instead of hitting the ball,
terrence hitted huixin head.
and a loud CRACK sound came.
i saw the whole racket breaks. lol.
huixin was like HUH?
what happen!
then everyone look at her.
terrence was like WHAT THE!
her head is made of metal? the racket breaks!
huixin went back to her seat and like.
ouch, my head..
tears starts flowing.
jeremy ran here and ask me to untie her hair.
so i did.
cause we were afraid that it would cause her head to bleed.
everyone came crowding around.
but couldn't really see anything.
then terrence feel so bad.
as he hitted her head so hard.
while huixin was also feeling bad.
cause terrence racket said goodbye.
the story ends like this!
after training, went for movie.
just watch that Sunday.
but it's okay.. bonding oh.
nice but tooo draggy.
we brought KFC into the cinema.
got cheeze fries (:
& jinjie bike me back.
ouch! u know my butt hurts?
lol. seated for like so long.
and alot of tiko pek out there watching at my leg -.-
damn it. training wad!
u want me wear long pants meh?
Labels: huixin got a baluku~